Project Objectives

Many-Me has defined a couple of specific objectives that will be successively achieved during the project. They were divided into seven categories:


Scientific Objectives


To offer patients in early stages of dementia a friendly and enjoyable environment supported by ICT solutions, empowering them to self-manage their condition by engaging and learning from people in a similar situation, make friends and attend support groups, test and adopt routines or techniques that help memory and cognition, undertake enjoyable activities, receive tailored medical advice as well as information which responds to their needs.


To provide people in the middle stages of dementia with a personalized care plan built around assistive ICT technology and involving in critical points their entire community (informal and professional carers, family, community) in order to provide a responsive system that offers them support when and if necessary to increase their safety, autonomy, and participation in social life.


To introduce informal carers to tailored education, information and technological support, through a Centralized Knowledge and Learning Platform.


To offer an innovative smart service for remote assistance, allowing carers to reduce overburden and stress and play an effective role in a resilient support network for the patients with dementia.


To protect the person with dementia that gets lost outside of his home and help him to go back home safely.


To offer professional carers a collaborative ICT system, connecting them with the informal carers and between each other, to allow a close monitoring of patient status and response to treatment, alert over changes in patient condition and potential problems, build trust and offer clear indication of carers roles and responsibilities, including contact points and procedures informal carers need to know in order to resolve specific issues.


To start from the pre-existing knowledge and experience at European level for the development, design, and testing of a holistic approach targeting all three layers of care services (patient to patient, patient to caregiver, caregiver to caregiver) which will result in identification of “what works” models for patients with dementia and provide a scalable ICT solution with a clear root to market.
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